Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl Proverbs 28:17-21 Beware of Wicked People, Part 2

Friday, September 22, 2023

Proverbs 28:17–21

[17] If one is burdened with the blood of another,

he will be a fugitive until death;

let no one help him.

[18] Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered,

but he who is crooked in his ways will suddenly fall.

[19] Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread,

but he who follows worthless pursuits will have plenty of poverty.

[20] A faithful man will abound with blessings,

but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.

[21] To show partiality is not good,

but for a piece of bread a man will do wrong. (ESV)

Beware of Wicked People, Part 2

v.17 This proverb warns against interfering with justice—God's or the civil authorities. A murderer bears the burden of his crime, both a guilty conscience and fear of being caught. No one is to help him avoid justice, lest he become an accessory after the fact. If he is fleeing from his guilty conscience, he must not be spared the preaching of the Law so he might move toward repentance. Only then can he receive the Gospel, wherein lies relief from his guilt. Regardless of his repentance, however, the civil authorities must be obeyed. While God forgives sins for all who believe and repent, we are not made exempt from accepting our punishment from the courts, up to and including the death penalty. The truly repentant and forgiven sinner of any sin has the assurance of eternal life.

v.18 This verse offers a contrast to the murderer of the previous verse with a depiction of one who walks with integrity. People who walk in the way of the Wise are safe not because they earned their safety but because God keeps them so. The Gospel motivates the believer's integrity, and in thankful response, they follow God's Law. For unbelievers, the sudden fall is the fall into hell after a life lived contrary to God's will.

v.19 This verse promotes working with one's God-given resources and abilities rather than trying, through sinful means, to achieve the normally unachievable or obtain that which is not in their means to obtain. This is not to say that "reaching for the stars" is sinful unto itself, but the use of sinful designs to get there is being condemned.

v.20 A person who is hasty to obtain wealth cannot be trusted because he will betray relationships. He will find that God will hold him accountable, even if he escapes the notice of human justice. A faithful man, however, will find that God will bestow upon him abundant blessings at the end of his life, even if his efforts on earth go unrewarded or he remains poor despite working hard to advance himself in a Godly manner.

v.21 This proverb teaches that showing partiality is both wrong and an easy sin to commit since he may think he is simply doing what needs to be done out of necessity. An employee may play favorites in order to advance; thinking in this way, he may better provide for his family. A leader may show partiality to strengthen his own position of authority.


At the Feet of the Fathers St. Ephrem Be Poor to Be Rich


Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl Proverbs 28:12-16 Beware of Wicked People, Part 1