At the Feet of the Fathers St. Ephrem Be Poor to Be Rich

At the Feet of the Fathers

Monday, September 25, 2023

St. Ephrem, the Syrian

Ephrem the Syrian (c. AD 306 – 373) was a prominent Christian theologian and writer revered as one of the most notable hymn writers of Eastern Christianity. Ephrem wrote many hymns, poems, and sermons in verse, as well as interpretations and commentaries on the Bible. These were works of practical theology for edifying the Church in troubled times.

Be Poor to Be Rich

No one in creation is rich but one who fears God; no one is truly poor but one who lacks the truth.

How needy and not rich is the one whose need witnesses against him that even from the abject and the beggars, he needs to receive a gift! He is truly a slave, and many are his masters: he renders service to money, to riches, and possessions. His lords are void of mercy, for they grant him no repose.

Flee and live in poverty; poverty is a mother who pities her beloved. Seek refuge in indigence, who nourishes her children with choice things; her yoke is light and pleasant, and her memory sweet to the taste. The sick in conscience alone abhors the cup of poverty; the fainthearted dreads the yoke of indigence that is honorable.

Who has granted to you, son of man, to find repose in the world? Who has granted to you, thing of dust, to be rich amidst poverty? Do not be needy through desires and looking to others. Enough for you is your daily bread that comes of the seat of your brow. Let this be the measure of your need, what the day gives you; and if you find yourself a feast, take of it what you need. You shall not take in a day enough for days, for the belly keeps no treasure.

Praise and give thanks when you are satisfied so that your satisfaction does not provoke the Giver to anger. In purity, strengthen yourself so that you may gain profit from it. In everything, give thanks and praise to God as the Redeemer.

- St. Ephrem the Syrian, Homily on Admonition & Repentance, 21


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