About Pastor Steve

  • Greetings in the Name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Pastor serving at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Madison, Ohio and Grace Lutheran Church in Thompson, Ohio. I serve with the other wonderful and faithful Pastors of the NE-1 Ohio District of the LCMS. The purpose of this blog is to share God’s Word with busy people, giving us a few moments of our day to reflect on Scripture as we walk together in an increasingly noisy world which tries to drown it out.

  • With apologies to “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline, the name is based on the last written words of Martin Luther, found on a scrap of paper on his bedside table by his deathbed. It said, “We are beggars, this is true.” We are beggars before an almighty and righteous God, and before Him, all our works are but filthy rags. But saved by belief in Jesus Christ’s all-atoning sacrifice on the cross, we are ready to stand before him on the last day, spotless and without blemish, and enter into His eternal presence forever free from sin and death.

  • I can be reached by phone (the best way) at (440) 812.1635, and by email at St.Sinner@readybeggarone.church. My YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbHMaPXkktRuaWUJQVsTQfg) has past Sunday worship services as well as audio-only Bible study videos. My past sermons and Bible studies are on my Sound Cloud channel (https://soundcloud.com/pastorberndt). I can also be found on Facebook, but do not respond to Facebook messenger chats.