Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl Proverbs 24:1-7 Building a Life of Wisdom

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Proverbs 24:1–7

[1] Be not envious of evil men,

nor desire to be with them,

[2] for their hearts devise violence,

and their lips talk of trouble.

[3] By wisdom a house is built,

and by understanding it is established;

[4] by knowledge the rooms are filled

with all precious and pleasant riches.

[5] A wise man is full of strength,

and a man of knowledge enhances his might,

[6] for by wise guidance you can wage your war,

and in abundance of counselors there is victory.

[7] Wisdom is too high for a fool;

in the gate he does not open his mouth. (ESV)

Building a Life of Wisdom

v.1-2 This two-verse proverb recalls 23:15-18 and 1:10-19. Here, the instructed son is warned by the wise father not to join the violent gang of sinners and to put away feelings of envy. The violent sinners will come to a violent end. The father points out that such people are treacherous and possess character traits that are not enviable in the least.

v.3-4 The next two-verse proverb instructs one to build one's household and family upon a foundation of Divine Wisdom. Recall Proverbs 9:1, where Wisdom built her own house. The possession one stores in this house is knowledge which is always divinely imparted and includes saving faith in Christ. Knowledge includes not only this but all sorts of riches. This proverb contrasts Wisdom's comfort and security with the violence and trouble of evil men.

v.5-6 A Wise person grows in power by possessing the knowledge revealed by God. This growth comes from a willingness to take good advice. This theme is also stated elsewhere in the book (8:14-15; 9:9; 13:10; 15:22; 19:20). One made powerful in Wisdom is a warrior who will achieve victory (20:18; 11:13).

v.7 This verse offers a contrast with the previous proverb. While the Wise continue to grow in Wisdom, the fool, in his stubbornness, rejects Wisdom. He can make no sense of it and, therefore, must remain silent among the conversations of the Wise lest he speak and reveal his ignorance.


Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl Proverbs 24:8-14 Courage & the Sweetness of Wisdom


At the Feet of the Fathers—St. John Chrysostom on the Free Medicine of Scripture