Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl: Wisdom as the Giver of Life, Proverbs 8:32-36

Friday, August 12, 2022

Proverbs 8:32–36

[32] “And now, O sons, listen to me:

blessed are those who keep my ways.

[33] Hear instruction and be wise,

and do not neglect it.

[34] Blessed is the one who listens to me,

watching daily at my gates,

waiting beside my doors.

[35] For whoever finds me finds life

and obtains favor from the LORD,

[36] but he who fails to find me injures himself;

all who hate me love death.” (ESV)

Wisdom as the Giver of Life

Having heard how Divine Wisdom is our Lord Jesus Christ, Wisdom now addresses its hearers as "sons." This is out of a desire to have a close relationship with them, similar to how Solomon addressed his "sons" in Proverbs 4:1; 5:7; and 7:24. This invitation to enter a relationship with Wisdom comes with a promise of blessing, "blessed are those who keep my ways."

This appeal to have an intimate relationship with Dive Wisdom comes with an appeal to follow Wisdom's directives. First, hear the instructions of Wisdom and be wise. The Hebrew word for "instruction" can also be translated as "discipline" and is perhaps the better word. Following Divine Wisdom is a life-long discipline of discerning what is wise. In other words, the life-long pursuit of fear of the Lord, which is knowledge and understanding. We always come back to this fundamental principle of Divine Wisdom and use it as the lens to understand what Proverbs is trying to teach us.

Right alongside a discipline of listening to Divine Wisdom is not rejecting the message. Do not interpret this as a Law command, "you must do this!" but rather a Gospel invitation to believe in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. In thanksgiving and praise for this gracious gift, we live a disciplined life tempered by discernment. To reinforce this, Wisdom follows with another blessing of leading such a disciplined life in v.34: "Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors."

Those who listen to Wisdom are encouraged to keep watch for Wisdom so it may be found when it comes through the door. Compare this to Jesus, who tells us He is not only the door of the sheep but also the Good Shepherd who enters by the door of the sheepfold to call His sheep by name. They recognize His voice and come to Him (John 10:7-18). Jesus enters by the door, not over the fence like a thief. Likewise, Wisdom enters by its door, not an illegal entry like that of the false teachers who offer ungodly counterfeit Wisdom. Therefore, we diligently and observantly wait by Wisdom's door for genuine enlightenment, which is knowledge and faith in Christ.

Where is this door? It is wherever the Sacraments are offered according to Christ's institution, and His Word is read and proclaimed faithfully. There we enter into the bodily presence of Christ Himself, the Son of God incarnate, the door (John 10:7, 9), and the life (Proverbs 8:35, 3:18; John 8:51; 10:9-10). These characteristics of Wisdom as life, favor, and grace reinforce that Wisdom is God, specifically God the Son, Jesus Christ, through whom alone we find salvation, life, mercy, and grace.

Conversely, those who reject the Gospel – those who hate Wisdom – harm themselves. God wants no one to be lost in their sin, but their repentance and entrance into life eternal (1 Timothy 2:3-4; 2 Peter 3:9; Romans 2:4). By rejecting the Gospel, those who hate Wisdom will choose instead the way that leads to eternal death (Proverbs 8:36; John 3:20; 15:18).


Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl: Wisdom Invites All to Her Banquet Proverbs 9:1-6


Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl: Christ, the Craftsman of Creation From Eternity, Proverbs 8:22-31