Meditationen am Gnadenstuhl: Proverbs 19:13-18 Avoiding Fools & Foolishness Pt.7

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Proverbs 19:13–18

[13] A foolish son is ruin to his father,

and a wife’s quarreling is a continual dripping of rain.

[14] House and wealth are inherited from fathers,

but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

[15] Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep,

and an idle person will suffer hunger.

[16] Whoever keeps the commandment keeps his life;

he who despises his ways will die.

[17] Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,

and he will repay him for his deed.

[18] Discipline your son, for there is hope;

do not set your heart on putting him to death. (ESV)

Avoiding Fools & Foolishness Pt.7

v.13 A Wise father does not allow his son to become a fool, nor does he allow his marriage to deteriorate to the point that his wife becomes a constant annoyance to him. This is not about the son or the wife, but the man doing his utmost to develop the character of his son while at the same time preserving a Godly marriage. The Wise man does this by living a Godly life himself, not only according to the Law but also the Gospel. Showing Christ-like love to them both.

v.14 Material things are obtained through action in the material world. Godly relationships are built on Christ, the bridegroom of His church.

v.15 Laziness is a negative feedback loop. Like a microphone that picks up its own sound from a speaker, which goes back into the microphone and amplified again and again until it becomes an unbearable screech, laziness feeds back into itself in a downward spiral. Laziness is stealing. It steals from our employers, from God, and from ourselves. "Deep sleep" refers to that part of sleep when we dream. Living in slothfulness induces a "dream state" of living where we convince ourselves we are not lazy, it is normal behavior, or that everything is perfectly all right. It is a delusion difficult to break out of and can lead to loss of income leading to starvation, and want.

v.16 The person who obeys God's Law and is respectful of authority lives a Godly life of faith leading to eternal life. One who does not risks treading the path leading to death.

v.17 One who is generous and kind to those in need “lends” to the Lord. Our graciousness to those less fortunate is a response to the eternal reward we will receive from the Lord in heaven.

v.18 This verse commands parents to exercise discipline so that foolishness, which leads away from God, will not become firmly attached to their children's hearts. Parents who do not discipline their children fail in their duty under the Fourth Commandment and contribute to their children's eternal death.


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