At the Feet of the Fathers: St. Cyril - Rejoice in the Knowledge of Scripture

At the Feet of the Fathers

Monday, August 28, 2022

St. Cyril of Alexandria

Cyril of Alexandria (c. AD376 – AD444) was the Patriarch of Alexandria from AD412 to AD444. Cyril was a prolific author and a leading opponent against the controversies that had arisen regarding the divinity of Christ in the late 4th c. into the early 5th c., particularly the heresies held by Nestorius.

Rejoice in the Knowledge of Scripture

If you wish to explore the Holy Scripture, and you overcome your laziness and apply yourself, thirsting for the knowledge, then every good thing will be yours. You will fill your mind with the divine light. Then, when you apply that light to the doctrines of the Church, you will very easily recognize everything that is true and unadulterated and lay it up in the hidden treasures of your soul.

Then you will rejoice as much in having the knowledge you desire as others who are worldly so when they insatiably accumulate Indian gems or gold. In fact, you will rejoice even more, "for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her," as it is written [Proverbs 8:11].

-St. Cyril, Five Tomes Against Nestorius, 1


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